Monday, March 3, 2014

What are your thoughts on the Oscars?

I would imagine that many of us watched the Oscars on Sunday night. If you didn't watch them, chances are you have seen the Red Carpet Photos online today and will shortly be seeing them in the magazines all over the place. Of course the biggest change is now social media and the buzz that it creates.

Last night Ellen who was the host of the Oscars literally broke Twitter and broke the record for most re-tweets with her "ten person selfie."

Now if only I could get that many of my most famous friends in a selfie too, I could most likely do the same thing, only my following isn't anywhere near as large as Ellen's. I will say this, from a beauty standpoint I think it is great that this is just the "stars" being real. So kudos to all of them for having some fun! (Jennifer Lawrence is definitely one of my favorites, I think her and I would get along just great).

As for hair and makeup most of the women went with a more natural look, the dresses also were not too over the top. They were either a bright color such as red, black, pastel, or on the lighter side. Everyone I saw looked great, I just love looking at the designers... and wishing I had a few of them in my closet! I mean what woman doesn't?

So on a night where beauty and glamour really rules, it is great to see that the personality seem to make things shine even more.