Saturday, January 18, 2014

My goal for this year!

So I have big goals for this year. They always say that putting your goal out there so that others know what your goal is, the first step in making it happen. So my goal is to get a consultant in every state.

Right now I have myself in Pennsylvania and one in Florida. So I am working my way to being a Lady in Red with Mary Kay, which means that I need 3-5 team members. So what are you waiting for, if you are even thinking about a way to help set your way to financial freedom this year, all you need is $99 and you will own your own business and be your own boss!

The starter kit contains everything you need to get started and make the decision to help other women create confidence in their own life and in your own... now how great is that!

Now, my goal is to keep working and to start checking off my states as the year goes on, I sure hope that you can help me do that, because 2014 is the year to change and make POSTIVE changes in the lives of those around us. So please contact me today with any questions that you may have and I will be happy to answer them for you.

Oh yeah I don't want to forget one of the best parts... you will have access to the BEST makeup and skin care available on the market! So if you are looking for a great change for yourself this year and for years to come, this is the time to do it! Check out my website for all the information that you need at

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